showing 14 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Bermuda Project Mirrorsoft (Graphicfinal)1988 bermudatriangle island labelimagesubject
Carrier Command Rainbird;Mirror Image;Kixx (Realtime Games Software)1988 3.5disk archipelago automatedwar beamweapons damagemodeling energyweapons fpsrts future healthregen island joystick mouse robots rockets warship watercraft labelimagesubject
Mewilo Coktel Vision1988 1900s belleepoque centralamerica island labelimageminimize
Archipelagos Logotron (Astral Software)1989 island labelimagesubject
Holiday Maker Software 2000 (PM Entertainment)1989 detectivemystery island nudity labelimageminimize
Spy vs. Spy 2: The Island Caper Wicked Software (First Star Software)1989 comic island specialagentprotagonist spyvsspy trapping tropic walking labelimageminimize
Maupiti Island Lankhor1990 investigatorprotagonist island menus tropic labelimageminimize
The Secret of Monkey Island  LucasArts (Lucasfilm Games)1990 clickadventure controllablehelplessness earlymodern-theme hoarding inventory island monkeyisland pirate-theme pirates scumm titularlocale unknownpast labelimagesubject
Celtic Legends Ubi Soft1991 grid grid-hex island magic mystics labelimagesubject
Midwinter II: Flames of Freedom MicroProse;Rainbird (Maelstrom Games)1991 aerodyne aeroplane aircushionvehicle airship biplane bus charactercreation firearms hotairballoons island jeep jetpack midwinter-series parachuting propellerplane speedboat stippletransparency submarine swimming tank tanks train truck underwaterdiving walking labelimageminimize
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis LucasArts1992 1930s archeologistprotagonist atlantic atlantis city-newyork-ny clickadventure earth europe iceland imuse indianajones interbellum interwarperiod island nazis newyorkstate northamerica scumm scummvm labelimageminimize
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge LucasArts1992 clickadventure earlymodern-theme hoarding imuse island monkeyisland pirate-theme pirates scumm scummvm undead voodoo labelimagesubject
Stoppt den Calippo Fresser Langnese (Comad)1992 advergame asphyxiation birds cave dragons fish helicopter island lives maleprotagonist multisequence score timelimit underwater underwaterdiving labelminimizeminimize
Jurassic Park Ocean1993 archeologistprotagonist book centralamerica compsognathus costarica dilophosaurus dinosaurs dromaeosaurs earth fictionallocation firstpersonshooter island jurassicpark movie serious titularlocale tyrannosaurus labelimagesubject